Ocala Auto Accident Injury Care Center

Auto Accident Injury Care Center

“Everything under one roof”

Are you searching for the best Ocala Auto Accident Injury Care Center?

Like patches of your grandmother’s old quilt, we at Fakhoury Medical and Chiropractic Center have pieced together, under one roof, everything you might need to recover from injuries suffered from a motor vehicle accident.

This allows all medical records to remain in one place. Your care and follow through of your injuries are familiar to the entire staff, with less confusion and no need to go to outside offices. We have gathered a team of professionals to treat and test you for a multitude of musculoskeletal injuries.

We have a Medical Doctor, Interventional Pain Management Department, Spinal Surgeon, Neurodiagnostic testing, Spinal Cord Stimulator Trials, Chiropractic Adjustments, Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation, Decompression Therapy, Digital X-Rays, and Cold Laser Therapy to name a few.

Did you know that it only takes a 2.5 mile-per-hour crash to injure your neck according to Dr. Ernest Chiodo written in the November 2011 report of the Claims Journal Newsletter?  Whiplash is one of the most common injuries sustained during car accidents and often one of the hardest to treat.   Ocala Auto Accident Injury Care Center

According to a 2014 article in the Globe Newswire, The Spine Research Institute of San Diego reports that nearly 300,000 whiplash injuries occur each year, many of these are at low speeds. When a part of the body is whipped back and forth beyond its normal limits, micro-tear injuries can develop in the surrounding ligaments and muscles.

Many accident victims don’t notice pain at first until the micro-tears start to swell. These symptoms can include blurred vision, neck pain, headaches, dizziness, shoulder pain, reduced range of motion in the neck, arm pain, neck stiffness, and lower back pain.

Soft tissue injuries like whiplash can take a long time to heal. Per The Spine Institute of San Diego’s study also found that MORE than 70 percent of people who visited the emergency room after a car accident were still in pain six weeks later.

We at Fakhoury Medical and Chiropractic Center would like you to Call Us First. We not only diagnose your injuries but treat them with the tools and experts we have pieced together to help you make the best recovery.

FMCC is your best choice for an Ocala Auto Accident Injury Care Center!

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Read more about our Car Accident Chiropractic Center




» Car Accident? Pain? Call us is Here!

We concentrate on treating musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries which result in pain stemming from all parts of the body including: neck, lower back, shoulder, hip, and more.

Fakhoury Chiropractic Office has been serving Marion County over the years with a unique multi-disciplinary approach for treatment of musculo-skeletal pain such as headaches, neck pain, lower back pain, arm/leg pain and injuries from accidents