Fakhoury Medical & Chiropractic Center




Ocala Chiropractor Office

↓Online auto Accident paperwork.

↓Online auto Accident paperwork.

Fakhoury medical

◈ You may lose your Personal Injury Protection insurance benefits if you aren’t seen within 14 days of the accident. Call our office today for an appointment.

Your Go-To Ocala
Auto Accident Chiropractor.

unique model of multidisciplinary practices under one roof

Understanding Whiplash From Auto Accidents

Fakhoury chiropractic office

◈ If you’ve been injured in an auto, motorcycle, truck, or pedestrian accident in Marion County, you’ve come to the right place. Take the next step and call Fakhoury Chiropractic & Medical Center for the best auto injury care in Ocala.

◈Check out this link from the American Chiropractic Association for information about whiplash and neck injury.

◈ Whiplash injury from an auto accident happens when the head abruptly jerks outside its normal range of motion. It resembles the cracking of a whip. This can strain (rip muscles) or sprain (rip tendons or ligaments). Even if you feel okay after the accident, it does not signify that you do not have a serious injury. Severe whiplash can also involve nerve damage. A delay in treatment could impair healing.

Specializing in serious car accident injuries in all of central florida

Auto Accident
Intake Form

Ocala's Top Chiropractor Office

Accepting PIP Auto Insurance & working with all major Insurance Carriers